You might think that once your son or daughter hits older childhood and puberty, the need for calcium drops.
Actually, the opposite is true. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) increases to 1300 mg of calcium for children and teens aged 9-18. Essential bone growth and development are continuing in these years, and it’s important to lay a strong foundation with calcium. Calcium in the teen years can help stave off osteoporosis in later life. Unfortunately, many adolescents, especially girls, don’t receive enough calcium to meet the RDA.
Another important note: our bones stop absorbing calcium in our early 20s, so you are “banking” the calcium you take as a teen for later years. That doesn’t mean you no longer need calcium after your teenage years, but it does highlight the importance of getting the right amount of calcium while the bones are still absorbing it.
What are good sources of calcium? There are two: food and supplements.
Milk and milk products are the best food source, with skim milk providing all 1300 mg in 4 ½ eight ounce glasses per day. Not everyone likes milk, and some can’t drink it because of lactose intolerance.
The American Academy of Pediatrics lists these other food sources for calcium:
- “Most foods in the milk group: milk and dishes made with milk, such as puddings and soups.
- Cheeses: mozzarella, cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, cottage cheese.
- Yogurt.
- Canned fish with soft bones, including sardines, anchovies, salmon.
- Dark-green leafy vegetables, such as kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, bok-choy.
- Tofu, if processed with calcium sulfate.
- Tortillas made from lime-processed corn.
- Calcium-fortified juice, bread, cereal.”
Supplements are a good option, but be sure that any calcium supplement also contains vitamin D which aids in calcium absorption. A daily multivitamin does NOT provide enough calcium to meet the RDA. Don’t take all the supplements at once. It’s best to take part of the supplement in the morning and part later in the day. Check with your pediatrician for additional recommendations.
As you teach your teens to build strong life skills, don’t forget to help them build strong bones as well.

artwork by Audrey
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