For the second time this summer, Georgetown Pediatrics is expanding our staff so that we may better serve our patients.
Dr. Lacey Sweigart comes to us from the University of Colorado Department of Pediatrics, where she completed her three-year residency, culminating in a fourth year as Chief Resident of the program. Her references were filled with superlatives like “superstar” and “excelled in every aspect,” and her résumé includes a long list of awards and publications, as well as public service. For our part, we were taken with her well-rounded background that is both deep and broad—necessary qualities in a practice like ours. Her Spanish-speaking ability will also be a tremendous asset.
Wanting to live closer to family, Dr. Sweigart , her husband Joe (who recently took a position as a physician with the University of Kentucky), and their three-month-old son Nathan will be moving here soon. They’ll fit right in to Kentucky with their love of hiking, camping, and travel, and are even bringing their horse! Dr. Sweigart says, “Georgetown specifically attracted us with its small town feel and the fact that everyone we spoke with felt that it was a great place to live and raise a family.”
She also was drawn to Georgetown Pediatrics because “the group has amazing physicians who are very dedicated to their patients and provide a supportive environment both to bring your children to and to work in.”
Dr. Sweigart begins her work with us on September 9. You may call the office anytime to schedule a checkup with her.

Dr. Lacey Sweigart
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