Georgetown Pediatrics has this year’s flu vaccine ready for your child. Here are a few answers to common questions about the vaccine.
- Why get a flu vaccine? Influenza can be a very dangerous disease, and at the very least can make your child be sick for several days. With a vaccine, even if your child gets the flu, it is typically a milder case.
- My child had the flu vaccine last year. Does she really need to have one this year, too? Yes. Each year the vaccine is specifically designed and manufactured to be effective against the expected flu outbreaks for that particular flu season. In addition, the vaccine is effective for a few months. For both of those reasons, the vaccine should be administered every year.
- Should my infant or toddler get a flu vaccine? Yes, if he’s at least 6 months old. Children who are 6 months to 2 years old are especially susceptible to the flu and it can be very dangerous for them.
- Should my child get the flu vaccine as an injection or as the nasal mist? That depends. The nasal mist is easier for most people to take, and is approved for those between the ages of 2 and 49. Since it is a live (though weakened) virus, the short-term side effects (cold-like symptoms) can be a little stronger as the body’s natural reactions take effect. Children who have a compromised immune system (or who have close contact with someone who has a compromised immune system) should get the flu shot instead of the nasal spray. Also, those with certain health conditions like asthma or wheezing, or conditions requiring long-term aspirin usage should take the shot rather than the mist. More information about the flu mist is found here.
- Who should NOT get any flu vaccine? Check with your doctor if any of these conditions apply:
- NOTE: If your child has an allergy to eggs, she may still be able to take the vaccine. Check with your pediatrician.
- If your child or adolescent has had other vaccines within the past four weeks.
We have flu vaccine available now. Call for an appointment. And read more about influenza and the vaccines here.
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